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Our Services

Putting Patients First

Whether your child needs one or all therapy disciplines, our staff is available to help you and your child.  We have skilled therapy providers that can provide speech-language, occupational, physical and mental health therapies.  In addition to our outpatient clinics, we provide services for your child at their daytime care location and we also offer in home services if necessary for care.

Stacking Blocks

Occupational therapists (OTs) help children to develop the underlying skills necessary for learning and performing specific tasks, but also addresses social and behavioral skills.  Pediatric occupational therapy helps children develop the basic sensory awareness and motor skills needed for motor development, learning and healthy behavior.

Stretching Exercise

Pediatric physical therapists (PTs) work with children and their families to assist each child in reaching their maximum potential to function independently and to promote active participation in home, school, and community environments. Physical therapists use their expertise in movement and apply clinical reasoning through the process of examination, evaluation, diagnosis, and intervention.

Speech Therapy

Speech-Language pathologists (SLPs) help children with communication disorders.  Pediatric speech therapy treats communication challenges that cause children to have difficulty with verbal communication. Speech therapy also treats oral motor concerns, such as chewing and swallowing, as well as articulation, fluency, auditory processing, reading and social skills.

Kids in Preschool

Mental Health therapists help children with trauma, anxiety/depression, attachment disorders and more.  Pediatric Play therapy treats behavioral and mental health challenges.  Play therapists are able to provide services including trauma focused cognitive behavioral therapy, infant mental health, parenting classes and groups, family therapy, psychoeducation, crisis intervention, and more.

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